European values end at its external borders
After the United States of America lost their integrity as an advocate for Human and Civil Rights due to gross scandals such as Abu Ghraib or Guantánamo, Europe claims to be the ideal for these values. Unfortunately, these role is nothing but a dream, only existing in speeches of ruling politicians. Apart from the discrimination against homosexuals in Eastern Europe, pogroms against Romani people in Italy among others, the EU border policy is the most embarrassing and horrible violation of Human Rights in Europe.According to official figures, 1861 refugees died during their attempt, to reach Europe. The real figure might be much higher. Frontex, the EU agency for external border security, has rightly the reputation of a brutal and inhuman authority. But not only Frontex exercise the violation of the Geneva Conventions. The national police authorities are in charge to carry out the deportation of "illegal" immigrants and failed asylum applicants. As a recent incidence in France shows, also the people who show moral courage and try to stop the deportation are in danger to be treated by the police in a violent way.A young man from Senegal should be deported to Senegal. After he was beaten into a plane, the other passengers stood up to object against the police and to force the pilot not to start. Some minutes, a unit of menacingly equipped policemen stormed into the plane, beating the passengers and arresting one of the critics. One of the passengers documented the situation with a camera.Deportation.Abschiebung eines jungen Senegalesen from opendoor on Vimeo.Europe, shame on you