And suddenly they called me chairperson

Looks like it took me 6 months to write another entry on my blog.  Not like I've been lazy, far from it. I've just been caught up with tons of stuff, I didn't even remember I had a blog. Sort of...The single most exciting event was the election for the Student Union parliament. The election itself was exciting, but so was the preparation and aftermath. Admittedly, our green student group (bagru*GRAS*boku) was pretty much in a state of coma since the last election in 2011. We didn't die, the heart was still beating, we were just dozing. That is to say, me and a fellow student were members of that student's parliament and did get involved there, but other than that, it was pretty much green radio silence. Anyway, something must have struck us, as we decided to run again this year and even do some campaigning. A small group as we are, I confess it was one of the most intense campaigns I took part in. But it was great to see our group become alive again and even better, we managed to maintain our two seats in the student's parliament. Still better, we were suddenly a much asked for coalition partner for the two bigger student's group. Therefore, no relaxation after the election but coalition talks! I tell you, that stuff is exciting. Everything went pretty smooth, though, and now, hooray, we're part of the executive coalition with the so-called Unabhängige Fachschaftsliste, a rather odd collection of campus activists, that came together in deadly terror of joining any party-affiliated group. Nice bunch of people, though. Long story short, I'm now part of the chairteam of our Student Union, which is not far from a full-time occupation. It's going to be extremely intense, busy and challenging plus awesome. So I assume. It was interesting to realize, how nice and polite suddenly everyone becomes, once you're get into some sort of exposed office. Wonder how long that will last...Another year, another challenge.Apart from all those political activities, I also managed to make some progress on my studies. I'm like on the finishing line of my Bachelor graduation. The most interesting part was the field research for my Bachelors thesis (more on that, once it's proof-read, handed in and graded), which took my to the Vinschgau in South Tyrol, Italy. It was quite a relief and change to get out of Vienna for 2 weeks.


the student in the time vortex


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