Epidemic. Welcome to the new normal.

The social distancing measures taken around the world to slow down the spread of the coronavirus may seem extraordinary, but we'll better get used to it. In a predominantly urban and inter-connected world, the spread of new diseases to which we do not yet have developed immunity will be the rule, not the exception. Accepting this, we can take pre-cautious measures—something we have failed at terribly this time around. Social distancing in an early stage of an outbreak will always be most effective. If we prepare to retreat early on, we might actually be able to contain a disease, or at least stagger its outbreak over time and space, so our health system is not overwhelmed.

If we had effective epidemic response plans, distancing ourselves could be much less disruptive. When you know an outbreak will happen at some point, you can establish an insurance fund to pay workers to stay at home, businesses to stay closed, and folks to get reimbursed for canceled travel. If your job can be done remotely, you have your temporary home office already set up. You store food and toilet paper for three weeks. Teachers are prepared to shift classes online and school children will be delivered their lunches.

And you have cultural practices in place to make the most of your lockdown time, or to meet in small groups in contagion-safe settings. I believe that such times can be moments of slowing down, cutting down the noise, introspection, focusing on what's important, healing, renewal. As a society, we have to create that space for people to retreat and focus on their healing or that of their community (by preventing others to get sick). As individuals, we need to treat the disruption as a regular opportunity to slow down, not as a reason to panic. As more of us in this coronavirus season reduce their social contacts and spend more time at home, we can start developing such practices now.

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Walden's nightmare

Recently, I've been asked to perform at the opening of the latest exhibition by the Viennese artist group annalian. Unfortunately, I had to do some field research in Styria so I couldn't be around. So I set up a private and cozy performance at my home, recorded the result and gave it to annalian. The exhibition took place in some old bunker in Vienna. I would have loved to hear the pulsing bass down there.Anyway, since it is recorded now, I might as well share it with you. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

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Operation Walküre - Ein deutsches Wehrmachtsmärchen

Pünktlich zum auftakt des vieldiskutierten Staufenbergfilms "Operation Walküre" hat die Gruppe "nevergoinghome" einen alternativen trailer auf youtube veröffentlicht.Der trailer stellt die berechtigte frage, inwiefern ein ranghoher wehrmachtsoffizier als (deutsches) vorbild dienen kann. Ich hoffe, dass dies während der rezeption des filmes oft und gründlich diskutiert wird.

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culture/kultur culture/kultur

Everyone wants to throw a shoe at George Bush II

In my last post I comment on the infamous shoe throw at US President Bush. As I assumed, this attack already had an significant influence on pop culture. A lot of creative guys did their best to parody the incidence. Their are several videos to be seen on youtube. This is one of them:What is more, their are some games, who put you in the position of the journalist. Can you be better than him and hit Bush? Bushgame by Krona is the original. Good luck.

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culture/kultur culture/kultur

throwing shoes and pies

Two days ago, an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George Bush. It isn't a breaking news anymore, but still interesting. In my western eyes, it was a very funny way to protest. It had style. I mean, you can't kill or even harmfully hurt someone with a flying shoe but the message is still clear.The scene reminds me of the shoe toss' western pendant: The cream pie toss. A classic. One of the most popular pie attack hit Bill Gates right in his face:Unfortunately, for the journalist the show toss wasn't ironic or funny at all. An Iraqi friend of mine told me, that throwing one's shows at someone is the most humiliating gesture in the Arab world. However, a thousands of Arabs celebrated the event all over the world. The must have seen the humor in this action. And hey, suicide attacks aren't funny either. To me it is a progress, when these kinds of "unfunny" humour (shoe tosses, not suicide attacks) break the news.PS: As well noteworthy is the behaviour of Iraq's prime minister Nuri al-Maliki. He pretends to try to catch the second shoe, knowing that he won't (and may be don't want) to stop it. But in that way, he can be sure of George Bush friendship.

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Schwächer 2.0

Die landtagsfraktion der Linken in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern weigert sich, an der freiwilligen überprüfung durch die Stasi-überprüfungskommission des parlaments teilzunehmen. Auf internetseiten wie www.mfs-insider.de, www.kundschafter-frieden.de oder www.grenztruppen.net versuchen ehemalige Stasi-mitarbeiter oder grenzsoldaten den horror der DDR-diktatur zu leugnen. In der taz gab es dazu heute einen lesenswerten artikel. Die stasi-gedächtnisstellen berichten von verstärkten besuchen ehemaliger MfS-offiziere, die versuchen andere gäste einzuschüchtern.Das alles kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor. Erich Fried hat über eine ähnliche entwicklung ein gedicht geschrieben, was auch an dieser stelle hervorragend passt.

SchwächerSie werden wieder stärkerWer denn?SieWer sollen sie sein?Sie sollen nicht seinsie sind nurStärker als wer?Als duVielleicht bald als vieleWas wollen sie?Zunächstwieder stärker werdenWarum sagst dudas alles?Weil ich es noch sagen kannDas kann dir dochschaden?Gewissdenn sie werden stärkerWoher weißt du das?Aus deinen Wortendass es mir schaden kannErich Fried

Kleine stilkritik zum schluss: Den webmastern oben genannter seiten verstehen es meisterhaft, die atmosphäre eines typischen DDR-wohnzimmers auf das internet zu übertragen. Genauso stelle ich mir internetseiten aus ost-deutschland vor, hätte es das Internet 15 jahre früher gegeben. Herzlich willkommen auf www.mfs.ddr

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culture/kultur culture/kultur

Kulturexport durch Immigration

Heute gab es es in der Süddeutschen Zeitung einen interessanten artikel über koreanische gastarbeiter, die für ihren ruhestand zurück nach (Süd-)Korea gezogen sind, um auf der Insel Namhae deutsche mittelstandsidylle zu zelebrieren. reihenhäuser und vorgärten inklusive. Nur die gartenzwerge wurden von touristen geklaut.Ich finde das insofern interessant, als dass dies ein klarer beleg dafür ist, dass kulturexport nicht nur durch klassische kulturarbeit im ausland (stichwort Goethe Institute) oder wirtschaftliche/militärische expansion funktioniert, sondern auch über zuwanderung und austausch funktioniert. Von kulturimperialismus kann in diesem fall nun wirklich keine rede sein.Schade nur, dass die im artikel genannen koreaner nichts besseres mitgenommen haben als die symbole deutscher spießigkeit.

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