the student in the time vortex

2013 is about to close and it's time to write something clever on my blog. Oh my, half a year has passed again since I wrote my last entry. Guess I'm not much of a blogging person. Or rather, I'm in a stage of my life, where I do make progress in certain areas, namely my studies and students' association (ÖH) activism, but unlike in music, where you have concerts and releases, there are not so many stunning events that I feel eager to write about. Or when they happen, I'm too tired and torn to be bothered. It feels like in Doctor Who's time vortex; I chase through time and space with tunnel vision and without contemplation.When I look back at the first months in office, there are several things I should be proud of: We (my colleagues in the chair team and several other activists of ÖH) established two new units within the students' association, organized a number of seminars and political/informative events, organized a huge demonstration against the union of the ministry of science and the ministry of economy and, most importantly, seemed to be able to create a general sense of motivation within the student body for ÖH affairs. Also, we created a lot of confusion. Something, I'm not entirely discontent about.As with my studies, officially I'm still in Bachelor stage but practically halfway through my masters. Which is kind of cool, 'cause it give's me the choice of being done soon or stretch the end a bit to get some time for my own, artistic, political and/or scientific (I don't attempt to separate these areas to much) projects. Yeah, my head is still bursting with ideas that needs watering.tldr: wibbly wobbly timey wimey happy new year


Festrede zum BOKU-Ball - Bildung: Befähigung zum kritischen und emanzipatorischen Denken und Handeln statt Wirtschaftshörigkeit.


And suddenly they called me chairperson