Reviewing Alex Barnard's "Freegans: diving into the wealth of food waste in America."

I'm equally surprised and pleased, that my first academic publication is a book review about freeganism and dumpster diving. I absolutely loved reading Alex Barnard's "Freegans: diving into the wealth of food waste in America." I'm not gonna write more about the book here, just check out the review at the Journal of Agriculture and Human Values.There are certainly moments in grad school, when you're wondering if the path that you've chosen is the right one, but when you get a chance to be involved in scholarship on some radical anarchists and their interpretation of how messed up our capitalist food system is, it makes you wonder a little less.On a slightly more somber note: isn't it ironic that copyright law and my agreement with the publisher prohibits me from posting my own review on a book on freeganism on my blog?Also, if you ever read this: Go Alex! You wrote such a great book and it hugely inspirational that a grad student on the other side of the country devotes his dissertation work on such an important yet often intentionally ignored topic. Thank you!


article on Pockets of Peasantness in Cornell Small Farm Quarterly


Pockets of Peasantness - Small-scale Agricultural Producers in the Central Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York