Next stop, Vienna

If one analysis my blog posts of the last months for a certain pattern, one will come to the conclusion, that I'm moving through Europe in even 3-month intervals and that this keeps me too busy to write about anything else. That's about right. After spending some time composing and soul-searching in Reykjavík (the place, which comes closest to be called home. Emotionally, if not technically), I followed one of my over-abundant intuitions and started a course in landscape planning/architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria. That's where I am now.While I was as surprised about  my sudden decision as my friends and family were, I have good reasons. Facing a future with less to no oil, heavily increasing energy prices and rapid environmental changes, I felt I have to play a role in the transition from the petroleum age to the post-petroleum age. Oil will run out whatever we attempt, but how we (as a species or human civilisation) cope, is up to us. I'm convinced that a smart and artistic design of the future will not only limit the devastating impact of climate change and peak oil, but even create a more desirable world. Studying landscape planning seemed to be a good choice, to equip myself with some important transition knowledge and skills.So far, I'm very excited about Vienna and the University. I'm not writing a review here, so come and visit this place (but please, don't take the plane). This said, I miss the freedom and the light of the North. Wishing to be in another place than the one I'm in seems to be the one constant of my life in the last couple of years.


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