Obama deserves another award

Barack Obama will be awarded with the Nobel prize, the Norwegian nobel-committee  declared today. That's nice for him, but may I ask why? Neither Guantanamo has been closed, nor is there piece in Afghanistan or between Israel and Palestine. It doesn't seem that the United State will insist on a powerful climate regime at the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen nor does the turn of the G8 into a G20 mean a strengthening of the United Nations. Obama is still the leader of the biggest and most powerful army in the world and of a country which still exercise the death penalty like almost no other country (apart from China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan). To sum up, the short reign of Obama is not yet characterised by peace.To be honest, Obama certainly raised hope for a better and peaceful world all over the globe. Moreover, he seem to be very committed in many fields regarding multi-polar diplomacy and climate change, but he can't proof any success. Let's hope that his award with the Nobel prize will support him in his ongoing struggles with the congress.However, this day proofs again, that Obama deserves one prize most of all: The award for the most overrated politician in the world.


9th Nov. 1989: history as a call to action


kollektives stockholm-syndrom